“My goal with Mortgancial Planning is to customize a mortgage solution that best fits you and your family’s needs and lifestyle. Please feel free to reach out to me via the CONTACT US page if you have any questions or concerns regarding your mortgage and your refinance options!”
-Richard Dixon
Mortgancial Planner
In the mortgage world, one size/one loan does not fit all homeowners. Each and every loan product should be designed to uniquely fit the financial needs of the borrower and their family/household. What works for one borrower, may not necessarily work for another borrower, and vice versa
The name of the game is to pay less interest and resolve debt as soon as possible!
So anytime you can improve your financial situation by lowering your mortgage payment or shortening your loan’s term, is the best time to refinance your mortgage.
There is a common, misunderstood myth in the lending industry that it is not an advantage to refinance your mortgage unless you can officially lower your rate by one to two percentage points or more.
This is INCORRECT! ANY and ALL lowering of your interest rate or shortening of contract terms would be beneficial to you, the homeowner.
Think about it! What motive would the lending industry have to educate you on your options? Having you, the borrower, paying less in principle and paying more in interest is how the lending industry makes their money.
To achieve successful homeownership, Mortgancial Planning was created with the goal in mind to educate you on these tips and techniques for resolving debt as soon as possible that the lending industry does not reveal to you.
People have a huge misconception when it comes to refinancing a mortgage, thinking that they are to leave it alone and just continue to make payments, without recognizing the better opportunities for themselves. With your mortgage, it truly boils down to how much of your monthly payment will apply to principle versus interest.
Let’s say you have $250,000.00 to make wise investments with. You would monitor your returns and make or move money into more lucrative investments to yield the highest rate of return so a homeowner who has $250,000.00 in mortgage debt should periodically evaluate refinance options that will reduce the amount of interest that will have to be paid over the term of their loan. Paying less interest in order to increase principal payments should be every homeowner’s goal!
About Us
Obtaining the lowest Mortgage rate at the least amount of cost is a very important step in the Mortgage process however it is not enough to equate to a successful home ownership! Learning the proper steps to eliminate debts, Mortgage debt and counterbalancing household finance is essential.